Born in courage and freedom Ukrainian Spirit

Ukrainian Spirit Baroque

This bespoke type of painting first was recorded in Ukraine since Zaporizhzhia Army formation during 17th and 18th centuries. The unique Ukrainian Baroque style embodied authentic Ukrainian architectural inheritance as well as Western European Baroque style, its traditions and culture. Part of the embroidery, The middle of the 18th century
The Symbolic meaning of the Oak Tree was strength, endurance, power, ancient wisdom, shelter and protection.
Historically the Oak Tree leaves crown symbolises heroism and courage. The Oak Tree leaves images and patterns are widely depicted globally on coat of arms and military regalia.
The pattern has been handcrafted by a member of Folk Art Masters National Union of Ukraine - Mrs. Vira Konska.

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Ukrainian Spirit Limited Edition

Ukrainian Spirit Limited Edition

Ukrainian Spirit Limited Edition

Ukrainian Spirit Limited Bazooka Edition

Ukrainian Spirit Limited Bazooka Edition

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