Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. General Provisions

The website (hereinafter referred to as the Site) is owned by LLC West Way, EDRPOU code 40817370 (hereinafter referred to as the Company). All objects of intellectual property rights contained on the Site, except as otherwise indicated, are owned by the Company.

Personal data - information or a set of information about an individual or legal entity that is identified or can be specifically identified.

Privacy Policy - the rules that govern the collection, processing, use and protection of personal data that can be requested/received when using the site.

The Site Administrator treats with great respect the confidential (personal) information of any persons using the information posted on the Site, therefore, seeks to protect the confidentiality of personal data, creating and providing the most comfortable conditions for using the Site.

By filling out the registration form data and marking this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy), you consent to the processing of your personal data in order to provide role-based access, prepare statistical, administrative and other information on issues of treatment.

Before using the Site, carefully read your rights and obligations regarding the processing of personal data specified in Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data", this Policy, and express your full consent to its terms.

2. Collection and use of personal data
The collection of personal data is carried out solely on your conscious and voluntary decision as a subject of personal data to use the functionality of the Site and in accordance with the purposes of processing personal data formulated in this Policy.

The extent and type of collection and use of your personal data will vary depending on the role in which you plan to use the functionality of the Site.

By registering on the Site and filling in your personal account data, depending on the role you have chosen, you provide the following data:

Name, name of the company you represent, contact details and your e-mail.

Further use of the Site automatically collects information about:

  • inquiries about the subjects of the provision of services;
  • requests for services;
  • circulation of products and services;
  • visiting and using the Site (information about the type and version of the browser, the operating system of the computer, the duration of the visit to the Site, the number of page views and web navigation, etc.);
  • other personal information contained in requests for feedback forms / electronic messages.

3. Purpose of collection, processing and use of personal data
The collection, processing and use of personal data is carried out for the purpose of:

  • providing role-based access, in particular:
  • registration of subjects of the Site;
  • organization of electronic interaction between the subjects of the Site through personal accounts;
  • generalization and systematization of structured data, in particular:
  • monitoring, generalization and analysis of statistical data generated by the subjects of the Site as a result of use.

Personal data is stored for a period not longer than is necessary in accordance with the purpose of their collection, processing and use or until the termination of the use of the Site by deleting your account on the Site.

4. Transfer of personal data to third parties
The Site Administrator does not transfer or disclose personal data received from the registered subjects of the Site to third parties.

Disclosure of personal data is possible in cases determined by the current legislation of Ukraine, as well as in the case of involvement of third parties providing technical support and / or services to improve the Site on the terms of the contract and subject to non-disclosure of personal data.

5. Protection of personal data
The Site Administrator takes the necessary procedural and technical measures to protect your personal data from their loss, unauthorized access to them or their distribution on the Site.

6. Changes to the terms of the Policy
The Site Administrator may modify this Policy so that it accurately reflects the methods of collection, processing, use, access and protection of personal data.

Accordingly, you should review this Policy periodically. When the Site administrator changes this Policy, he will update the “last modified” date at the top of this Policy. Changes to this policy are effective when they are posted.

7. Location of personal data
The owner and manager of personal data is West Way LLC.

Personal data is stored in automated systems and electronic media of the Company.

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